South Banks Community Church
Today we learned ... Part 2
Today we dove into John 1:29-51 where
Jesus called His disciples. Here is the quiz
that you kids aced!!! How about you?
Take the quiz HERE.. You may need to ask
your kids for help!
Would you like to add your child's lesson
to your Family Worship Time?
Here is a Resource for you.....
Good News!! It's Coming!!
Our Second Family Fun Nite!!
We are in need of sponsors. If you can help
We welcome 2023!!
Our theme this year is:
Go Forth in 2023...
God's depending on you and me......
Join us for Prayer time each Sunday morning
in the sanctuary at 9:15
Will meet on Saturday, April 8th at
Marriage Matters will meet Sunday 2 April, at 4:00
Join us as we discuss "Fostering Faith"